Blog Post
4 Mar



The Power of More – (More Knowledge, More Money, More Lifestyle and More Freedom)

More is at our Core

We all want MORE. More is part of our DNA it is in the molecular structure of every cell and atom in our being. It is the object of our desire and passion for life and abundance. It is the good greed inside all of us and compels us to achieve greater accomplishments. More is the substance of things hoped for and the subject of our dreams and hopes.

When I think of an example of the powerful concept of more in action I go back to my childhood and the movie of Oliver Twist. In the iconic scene where the orphans were eating their rations of porridge where none were filled or fulfilled; little Oliver had the internal core driving fore and the courage to ask for not more ration but for simply MORE.


I hope you enjoyed the scene as much as I do; although it – in no way defines or even attempt to define what more actually is (I don’t think can effectively) it does clearly and visually define the substance and core power of the word MORE.

And did you note the effect the request for MORE had on the system or status quo? It basically created a firestorm a break in the Matrix of which the powers that be are ill equipped to handle. So go forth and exercise your right, be bold and get your MORE.

I also am fond of the “More” clarification made by Bretton James played by Josh Brolin in Money Never Sleeps the sequel to 80’s move Wall Street. Co Actor Jacob Moore played by Shia LaBeoufthe as the question based on every businessman has a number; usually an exact number.


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